Pan-Disability Hockey: Our friends at LW Flyerz Need Your Help!

Our friends over at LW Flyerz are launching a Crowdfunder to expand their pan-disability hockey program, which brings adapted hockey to individuals with any disability or who are neurodivergent.

Support and donations big or small would mean the world to LW Flyerz and help them reach more people

Here’s the link to donate:

Who are Flyerz and why do they need our support?

One in five people know someone with a disability. For many, it’s not the disability that stops them from being active and participating in sports; it’s the barriers society puts in their way. These barriers include:

  • Lack of awareness about adapted sports and activities in their community
  • Fear that these activities won’t meet their needs
  • Challenges like inexperience, lack of trust, limited transport, accessibility issues, inconvenient timing, medication needs, and the absence of safe or quiet spaces

LW Flyerz, a South West London hockey club dedicated to breaking down these barriers. They've launched a specialist program that empowers individuals with any disability to enjoy the sport we love - hockey. Hockey is more than just a game; it’s a team sport that fosters new friendships, develops motor skills, and builds confidence. Whether walking, running, or in a wheelchair, hockey offers everyone the chance to be active, have fun, and feel included.


Lisa, a mum of two participants, shares her experience: “I never imagined hockey could be something my profoundly disabled sons would enjoy, let alone participate in. I completely underestimated their reactions. They love the thrill of the game, especially being in the thick of it, tackling for the ball, or taking a shot at the goal!”

The Flyerz program has been running successfully for four years, but they've realized that they need to do more to reach more people and make hockey accessible to more. Over the past two years, They've been building relationships, trust, and experience to take Flyerz Hockey directly to specialist communities that support people with disabilities and neurodivergent individuals (SEND).

With your support, and matched funding from Sport England’s National Lottery, they can bring Pan-Disability Hockey to these communities. Their plan is to collaborate with 11 different community providers—SEN schools, after-school clubs, colleges, and youth clubs—across Wandsworth, Lambeth, and Southwark. This funding will allow us to deliver 344 sessions, reaching over 325 new participants, each receiving a minimum of a six-week Flyerz Hockey program.

Many participants will gain the confidence to join our free club sessions or explore other specialist sports in their area. Others will simply enjoy the experience of learning something new and being active.

Ben, age 12, shares his thoughts: “I like going to hockey because it entertains me. I love learning new skills, and it’s fun!”

Please help to bring these opportunities to communities where team sports are still so scarce. Every penny raised will go directly towards coaching hours with professionals experienced in working with these communities, some of whom require 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 support.

Not convinced yet? Here are some more compelling stats, based on our experience: 

  • 100% have disabilities, many with complex, multiple needs that exclude them from mainstream activities.
  • Over 70% do not identify as White British.
  • Over 60% are eligible for Pupil Premium (e.g., free school meals).
  • 40% of our participants are female.

Finally, three-quarters (76%) of disabled people want to be more active, yet only 43% feel they have the opportunity to do so, compared to 69% of non-disabled people (Activity Alliance). 

Help us remove barriers and give more people with a disability the chance to enjoy sports.