AGM 2024

Our key annual event - the AGM - is happening at 14:00 on Sunday 4th August at the Clubhouse.

We will kick off with the AGM with a BBQ free and drinks will follow. Please let us know you are attending using this form, so we can buy in food (£5 charge for food if you DO NOT attend the AGM). 

The Clubhouse will be showing the Olympics (Men's Hockey quarterfinals day!)

Come and join us to hear about the club's running, updates from the board and the exec and of course, to have your say.

ALL club management positions will be elected and volunteers put in place, so there is an opportunity to really change things by getting involved.

Here is a list of all the positions you can put yourself forward for, if you want to know more about the roles, please ask

Any questions please shout!

Thanks - Exec Committee


More info below on how it all works...

What will be discussed at the AGM:

AGM Notice can be found here

If you can't make it and want to vote by proxy: 

An AGM Proxy form can be found here. 

Committee Positions & Volunteering

At the AGM new people are officially nominated and then voted into roles in the club. The club can't operate without the people who volunteer their time, and those that do find it very rewarding.

The AGM itself

The AGM is where the club makes decisions that impact everyone, such as where teams train, how teas operate, how subs are collected, how money is spent, and much more, so if you have an idea, a grudge or an observation, then it is your duty to come along and speak your mind on the issues that matter to you.