Senior Season Starts: League Fixtures and Welcome Drinks at the Clubhouse

The long-awaited first (official) THD social is here! On Saturday we shall be convening at the clubhouse, Giant Arches Road (note: the car park is closed). 

The Welcome Social will kick off at 7 pm with games ♣️, ice breakers🧊, and a bit of music before we head down to Brixton. Bring your best party tricks 🎉 and fun facts 🧐 about yourselves for a chance to win free drinks 🍻🍻🍻!

If any teams are having teas remember to make use of the shower facilities to save the trip home between games and social to get even more time for fun! Any kit left overnight can be collected on Sunday, and Noreen will look after it (any property left will be at the owner's risk).

THD Home FixturesTHD AWAY Fixtures