One To Watch-Daley: Olympic Superstar, Directed and Produced by THD's Vadim Jean

With Olympics fever taking over, we want to draw your attention to a documentary Directed and Produced by THD's Vadim Jean - Daley: Olympic Superstar. 

The documentary, available to watch now on BBC iPlayer, reveals a powerful vulnerability that adds human depth to this once-in-a-century sportsman. 

If THD players are looking for inspiration, Fusiliers Captain Vadim hopes that the film might inspire us to be the best we can be in the upcoming season. The film is a tribute to the spirit of sportsmanship, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of excellence—values we hold dear in our club.

Vadim Jean, said: “As a teenager at the time in the 1980s, Daley was my sporting hero. I never imagined that 40 years later I’d have the privilege of making a film that I hope does justice to his legacy as the ultimate Olympic superstar.

“It’s an honour to be able bring together my love of film and sport to tell Daley’s incredible, inspirational story for the screen and reveal what it would take to be greatest all-around athlete the world has ever seen.”

The documentary has received glowing reviews - and we are proud of your achievements - well done Vadim!

Ben Dowell, The Times:“Vadim Jean’s film Daley: Olympic Superstar was both overdue and thorough, taking in his early tough years on a Notting Hill estate where he shimmied up drainpipes to see his best mate and learnt to run by fleeing the attentions of his stern mum, Lydia, who did multiple jobs to put food on the table, including cleaning his primary school in the early hours. It was an unvarnished portrait that didn’t have to look far to find less pleasant sides to the man and his life, but it didn’t shy from them either.”

Watch the Daley: Olympic Superstar on BBC iPlayer here.

Vadim Jean