Umpiring Spotlight: Anna Robinson

Umpiring Level: L1 Assessed

THD Team: THD W3


Tell us about your Hockey background, when did you start playing and umpiring?

I’ve been playing since I was in school. I took a brief hiatus during my a-levels but got back to it during uni. That’s when I started umpiring. I didn’t love it at first, but when I got to THD and got some training it turns out I was pretty good at it. 


What is it about umpiring that you enjoy? Why do you do it?

I love hockey and know how important good umpires are to playing. It’s fun to be a part of that. I’ve learnt a lot more about the game since umpiring, I think it’s made me a better player. Plus I get kicks from keeping players in check. 


What are your umpiring creds? What Level are you?

I’m level 1 assessed but Jim and Mark call me “level 1.5”. I like to round that up. 


What are your umpiring aspirations? Any goals for next season and beyond?

I’m keen to improve, get my level 2, and do more higher-level games. But really, I want to get more players involved in umpiring. It’s not scary, it’s fun. I want others to enjoy it. 


What would your advice be to others wanting to get involved in umpiring?

Just do it. I tell new umpires what I was told.

Blow your whistle hard at first, make a loud confident call in the first few minutes and players will settle knowing you know what you’re doing. 

And also remember you do know the rules, cause you play by them. 

Anna THD Umpire

How can people get to L1 at THD - how does the club support them? 

As a club, we are keen to support our members in their development as Club Umpires, or higher. This not only helps our members to strengthen their knowledge of the rules and become more confident umpires but also helps to improve the level of umpiring in the local leagues. 

Courses are paid for by the club in exchange for matches umpired for the club. We want to encourage and help as many of our members to be at least L1-qualified as possible!


If you would like to find out more about officiating at THD or about umpiring qualifications (which are funded by the club) please contact the THD Umpiring Co-ordinator